FintechWeb - Finance Bootstrap Admin Template

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Introducing the FintechWeb – Finance Bootstrap Admin Template

The FintechWeb Admin Dashboard Template is a user-friendly and powerful solution designed for managing fintech and finance panels. Built on the Bootstrap SCSS framework, FintechWeb is fully responsive and packed with features, offering ready-to-use components and customization options.

With FintechWeb Admin, even beginners can easily modify UI elements directly in the HTML code, making updates simple and fast. This template provides everything needed for smooth, flexible management of financial applications, making it an ideal choice for a modern fintech admin panel.

:: FintechWeb Core FEATURES And Pages::

  1. Dashbord
  2. Authentication Pages
  3. Forms
  4. Widgets
  5. AccountType Page
  6. Send Money Page
  7. Balance Page
  8. Transation Page
  9. Card List Page
  10. Card Add Page
  11. Recipients Page
  12. Setting Page
  13. Profile Page
  14. Monochrome Mode
  15. Dark Sidebar
  16. Dark Header
  17. Border Radius none
  18. Card Shadow active/inactive
  19. Icon stroke increase and decreases

:: FintechWeb Plugin & Widgets::

  1. Apex Chart
  2. Toasteditor
  3. Sweetalert2
  4. Sortablejs
  5. Datatable
  6. Basic Card
  7. Card Tiles
  8. Widgets Form

24-Hour Turnaround Support:

  • Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
  • For any pre-purchase query, please use email, and the item’s comment section on ThemeForest. Thanks!

Version 1.0 Nov 28 2024

--Released -- FintechWeb - Finance Bootstrap Admin Template

:: Fintech Web ::

  1. Browsers: Works well in all the latest browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Edge

  2. General : All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and are NOT included in the final purchase files. It does not include any Business logic to produce database records.

  3. Plugin: All the Third-party plugins we use are installed via NPM and have their own support and updates separately. Pixelwibes can only provide support for the version of plugins used in the template. It applies to all the framework packages as well

  4. Bootstrap 5: The HTML version is built upon the Bootstrap 5 SCSS. The Frontend framework native bootstrap components will only have support for Bootstrap 4 now, and we are overwriting it with Bootstrap 5. In the future, when there will be the support of Native components for frontend frameworks, our team will replace overwritten bootstrap 5 with native bootstrap 5 for that framework.

$14 $18

*Save $4 when you buy here!

Live Preview
You can download it after purchase.

Last Update
Published 11 December 2024
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Compatible With Bootstrap 5.x
Files Included HTML Files, CSS Files, Images,...
Columns 4+
Layout Responsive
Tags admin dashboard, admin template, bootstrap template, currency exchange, finance card management, finance dashboard, fintech admin, fintech dashboard, fintech template, flat design, responsive admin dashboard


Our goal is to make high-quality design accessible to everyone at an affordable price. We collaborate with a global network of talented designers and developers who provide us with unique and innovative designs at a reduced cost. By streamlining our processes and focusing on efficiency, we keep our prices low, making professional-quality designs accessible to all businesses and individuals.
Yes, you can use the themes for multiple projects as long as they comply with our terms.
The download file includes everything you need to get started: HTML, CSS, JS files, and all relevant images. The files are identical to what you see on the live demo, provided in clean and well-structured HTML format for easy customization without requiring additional installations.
Yes, we provide dedicated customer support to help you resolve any issues or questions related to our themes. You can reach out to us through our support email ([email protected]), and we’ll respond promptly.