Dashy| Responsive Admin Dashboard Template
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Dashy is a fully responsive admin dashboard template that is built on top of awesome Bootstrap 4.5.2, modern web technology HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. In this template has 3 different dashboards Sales Monitoring, Website Analytics and Cryptocurrency. It is a clean, modern, simple, and professional design perfect for your dashboard, analytics, and application projects. Awesome cool colors, charts and custom tables and calendar, and more plugins included. It has many ready-to-use pages such as login, registration, email, calendar, blog posts, user profile, and many more pages, and widgets are included. Once you Purchase this template you will be enabled to get a free download of all future updates.
- 3 Dashboards
- Created using Bootstrap v4.5.0
- RTL version available
- SASS File included
- Clean And Modern Design
- Full responsive and Mobile friendly
- Flexible and well commented code
- Developer Friendly Code
- Easy to Customize
- W3C Validate Code
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Well Documented
- Google Fonts used
- Fast Loading
- 24/7 Friendly customer support
3 Home Pages
- Sales Monitoring
- Website Analytics
- Cryptocurrency
25+ Inner Pages
- Calender
- Chat
- File Manager
- Contacts
- Registration
- Login
- Profile
- Pricing
- Alart
- Badge
- Button
- Basic Form
- Advanced Form
- Basic Table
- Data Table
- ChartJs
- Apex Chart
- Google Map
- Vector Map
Fonts used:
- Roboto
- Nunito
Icons used:
- FontAwesome
- Flaticon
Sources and Credits:
- ApexCharts
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Colorpicker
- Chart Js
- Flatpickr
- Fullcalendar
- Gmaps
- Jquery
- Jvectormap
- popper.js
- Quill
- Select 2
All images and icons are used for preview purpose only and not included in the final purchase pack.
If you want to customize or have any questions about this template, please contact me via e-mail or through my profile page. I’ll respond as soon as possible.
$16 $20
*Save $4 when you buy here!
Last Update | |
Published | 26 October 2020 |
High Resolution | Yes |
Compatible Browsers | Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge |
Compatible With | Bootstrap 4.x |
Files Included | HTML Files, CSS Files, Images,... |
Columns | 4+ |
Layout | Responsive |
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