Cheerio - Cryptocurrency Exchange Dashboard Template
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Cheerio is the complete Cryptocurrency Exchange HTML Template Sign in, Signup, Phone and ID card verification, One-time password verify and add a bank, debit card settings and profile etc pages included.
- Font Awesome
- Line Awesome
- Ico Font
- Cryptocoins
- Material Icon
- Bootstrap 4
- DataTables
- jQuery UI
- jquery-circle-progress
- Toastr
- jQuery Validator
- ScrollIt
- Magnific Popup
- Owl Carousel
- Sparkline
images are occur in the preview but are NOT in the download.Changelog
1. v1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial Release.
$23 $29
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Last Update | |
Published | 11 December 2020 |
High Resolution | Yes |
Compatible Browsers | IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge |
Compatible With | Bootstrap 4.x |
Files Included | HTML Files, CSS Files, Images,... |
Columns | 4+ |
Layout | Responsive |
Tags |